
Hello again! I'm glad that you’ve decided to visit this section of my website. I hope that my self-presentation was clear, and that you’ve enjoyed seeing my pictures. I’ve put a lot of images, isn’t it 😃 ? And yet, that was only a small portion of nearly 60.000 pictures taken for the past 4 years.

I've chosen to start writing this blog, to occupy spare times before starting my PhD. Several reasons’ve lead this conclusion:

  • I'd love to share with you about artificial intelligence and computer vision knowledge acquired during my academic journey and my last two years of working experience. These understandings were, are and will be particularly useful for me. I hope that they will bring values to your work and daily life.
  • Composing these contents is a great way for knowledge encapsulation and reorganization.
  • Drafting blogs improve my writing and presenting skills
  • I'd like to improve my coding skills

If you have any questions, contact me here.